Reviews about developer SC ASSET


Thailand, Phuket
SC ASSET Corporation Public Company Limited - reviews about the developer

SC ASSET sees its main contribution to the future as follows: by 2050, every home built by the company will be a source of happiness and confidence for more than a million customers. Here, every person will feel protected and enjoy life, investing their energy and time in realizing their dreams, which will ultimately make the world a better place. When people talk about houses of high quality and with an innovative approach, the first name that comes to mind is SC ASSET. Our employees are proud to contribute to creating every morning that inspires everyone to strive for a better society.

SC ASSET's mission is to create harmonious housing and solve all problems in this area. The company strives to create a safe space and provide services that help residents of SC ASSET homes use more time and energy to do the things they love. The main goal of the company is to build housing that is accessible to everyone, so that everyone can start their morning with joy and confidence.


1010 Vibhavadi Rangsit Rd., Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
Tel. 1749 | Fax 0-2949-2227

Developer's projects SC ASSET