Reviews about developer GRUPO CASA


Spain, Barcelona
GRUPO CASA - reviews about the developer

The structure of GRUPO CASA includes companies that specialize in the construction of residential and commercial buildings and the reconstruction of real estate. During its 30-year life, the brand has implemented more than a hundred unique projects. GRUPO CASA carries out the purchase of real estate, plots of land, develops the necessary documentation, obtains the necessary licenses, carries out construction and repairs, advertising of constructed objects and post-sale management of buildings and premises. The main principle of the group is a constant desire to improve the quality of services provided and work performed, increase the competence of employees, honesty and openness when doing business, as well as helping each client achieve their goals and satisfy their desires. GRUPO CASA is also a member of ARCE (Association of Developers and Construction Companies of Catalonia).


 (+34) 934 26 57 52
 C/ Floridablanca 144 Entresuelo
Barcelona, 08011 - España

Developer's projects GRUPO CASA