Reviews about developer ALPROSAN


Spain, Almeria
ALPROSAN - reviews about the developer

ALPROSAN promotes, plans and finances housing developments, preserving and restoring the historical heritage of iconic buildings, bringing them back to life.

Great quality
Exclusive locations
Optimal spatial distribution
Impressive design
After-sales services
ALPROSAN is very fortunate to be part of the Fomento Meridional Group, as the company is able to unify each of the processes required to complete the job.

Together with Alteco as builder, Alprosan promotes and implements its projects, having Reciclados Almerienses as the responsible company for waste disposal, as well as Iniciativas Empresariales, which is responsible for the management and commercialization of the insurance necessary for the work.

ALPROSAN numbers:
+1.200 - Sold property
+3.000 clients
+30 years of successful work


Marqués de Comillas, 13 Esc. Right, 2º 04004 | Almería

+34 950 23 22 44

+34 686 99 13 44

Developer's projects ALPROSAN