If you have any questions, suggestions or problems related to using the domik.io website, we are always ready to help you. You can contact the site administration on the following issues:
General questions and suggestions
If you have suggestions for improving the site or general questions, you can send them to our email: domik.io@yandex.ru. We will carefully consider all your suggestions and try to promptly answer your questions.
Technical support
If you encounter technical problems on the site, such as navigation difficulties or errors when working with certain sections, please write to us at domik.io@yandex.ru. Describe the problem in as much detail as possible so that we can quickly find and fix the problem.
Advertising-related questions
To place advertising materials on the domik.io website or to receive information about advertising opportunities, please contact us by email at domik.io@yandex.ru. We will discuss all the details and offer you the most suitable options for cooperation.
Appeals regarding reviews and comments
If you want to appeal a review, delete a comment, or post an official response to a review, send a corresponding request to domik.io@yandex.ru. In the letter, include a link to the review or comment and describe your request in detail.
Legal issues
Please send all legal questions, including requests to delete pages or content, as well as other legal requests, to domik.io@yandex.ru. We will consider your requests in accordance with applicable law.
We value your cooperation and strive to make working with the domik.io website as convenient and effective as possible. Your opinion and questions are important to us!